Love gets harder as you go, yes. But it also gets better.
Read MoreBrandon and I had been trying for a baby for almost a year when I got pregnant. The faint pink line appeared on the pregnancy test on a sunny Saturday in September, three weeks after we moved to Maryland.
By Tuesday, I was peeing blood.
Read MoreI also did not really want to write about it, I just wanted to drink wine and complain to Brandon, so that is what I did.
Read MoreThe public discourse is exhausting and nasty from every side, and it seems sometimes like nothing in the world is simple and objective. It was nice, for a night, to be reminded that actually, a lot of things are.
Read MoreIt was one of the best days of my whole life and one of my favorite things we've ever done together.
Read MoreNorth Carolina “snow” did its best to keep us grounded. We escaped anyway.
Read MoreBelow is a post about my new year's resolutions, or lack thereof, which I finished writing and then didn't post because most of it is about books so I thought I needed to go take some artful photos of the stacks of books all around my house. And then I didn't do that, because I have a job and a life and, it turns out, not a lot of motivation to take artful photos of the stacks of books around my house.
Read MoreI cooked a lot — mashed potatoes, baked praline sweet potatoes, buttermilk cornbread, deep-dish apple pie — but I don't do food photography (everything looks disgusting no matter how hard I try), so you'll just have to trust me on that one.
Read MoreOne whole year of being Brandon’s wife.
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